Non-Technical Workshops

1. Creative Blogging & Content Marketing Summit – Duration – 3 Hours
Blogging can create wonders. Learn the secret tips. Think before you hit Publish, Monetization, Optimization and much more.
2. Social Media Marketing Youniverse – Duration – 3 Hours
An event where ideas get wings. Discover the latest trends, know the techniques from the experts and enrich yourself with the knowledge about Social Media.
3. Digital Footprint – Duration – 3 Hours
Theories about the Connected World. Helping Students create a positive digital footprint and using it for their personal branding. Launching of ConnectIndia’s Digital Marketing course which can give a new dimension to their careers.
4. Indus Youniverse CEO Space – Duration – 3 Hours
Learn how they transformed the setbacks into comebacks and reinvented themselves. Know the secrets of Business Growth and be the business leaders of tomorrow. (Featuring Subhasis Chatterjee)
5. Blog World & New Media Exposure – Duration – 3 Hours
New Media is the future. From Video Marketing to Content Writing Courses, learn about everything niche. Internships are up for grabs too along with cool prizes.
6. Younique StartUp – Duration – 3 Hours
Are you a Blogger or a wannabe entrepreneur? Be a part of IY’s Younique startup camp and share your million dollar idea with the world. Get tips and know what’s happening in the world of Start-Ups.
7. Indus Youniverse Tech Meetup – Duration – 3 Hours
From Web Journalism to IoT, this tech meetup, deals with the Next Web and how Millennials can take advantage of it.
8. Corporate Grooming & Etiquette – Duration – 3 Hours
It is about the Visual Appearance, Verbal and Non verbal Communication and Business as well as Social Etiquette. The event is designed to teach participants to apply the unique tool of image to enhance their own as well as the company’s image and branding.
9. Young Women Entrepreneurs Summit – Duration – 3 Hours
Sharing the stories of Women who believed in their abilities and made it large, fighting all odds. Encouraging the female students to come out with their ideas and share it via Indus Youniverse. Some students will also be groomed and they will get hands-on experience of public speaking.
10. Know Your Brand – Duration – 3 Hours
An event that focuses on building a powerful ‘Personal Brand’ to achieve career success. Get tips from Industry Experts, know more about the success stories and build your perfect Social Media Resume.
11. 4 current digital media trends that will continue to shape news in 2016 – Duration – 3 Hours
Online Journalism is changing very fast. Online news organizations have already started paying more and more attention to mobile only versions. In the UK, over half of the audience of five national newspapers is now mobile-only. They're producing mobile-friendly stories. And in doing so, they're bringing in 360 degree video, chat apps as news gathering tool, live streaming as eye-witness media and so on. Experts say, these trends will rule the online media in next few years.
12. You know Journalism. But Are you familiar with "Churnalism"? – Duration – 3 Hours
The latest trend in online journalism includes: Gathering the News, Augmenting the News and Delivering the News. A deep dive will make you understand why online journalism in modern era is heavily dependent on "Churnalism" & "Content Aggregation"
Gathering the News:
1. Mobile journalism, 2. Social networking 3. RSS filtering 4. Churnalism
Augmenting the News:
5. Geotagging and maps, 6. Semantic web, 7. Multimedia
Delivering the News:
8. News as a platform, 9. Aggregation 10. Search
13. SEOhhhh – Search Engine Optimization Tips, you might not have known